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2 Feb 70

General Meetings

Discussion of Field Day 1970. 6-7 June


Location :- Arnesby Lodge Farm if possible. It was agreed that the repair to the farmers radio must be completed as soon as possible. G3PBC it to ask G3MYI who has the set (it was subsequently learned that G3MYI has two of the farmers sets now!)

Frequencies :- It was proposed that we should use 80, 40 & 20 m.

Aerials :- 80m Centre fed half wave dipole
40m Extended double zepp
20m Quad - to be built

Generator :- Trevor Adcock has not yet been able to arrange for the loan of a generator from the same source as last year.

Recording of contacts. G3WGD felt that much time was wasted in checking whether a station has already been worked. This was because the checker could not read the callsign himself. Also a better system was needed to permit the checker to find the callsing in the list of stations worked, with less delay. No decision was made.

Catering :- An adequate water supply would make this job much easier. Disposable paper plates & cups were proposed.


Considerable discussion followed, regarding the building & erecting of the 20m quad. This will have sides of 17' 6" & the spacing between the two squares will be 8' 5" The diagonals will have to be about 24 1/2 ft i.e. sides about 12 ft. long.

J. D. Rawncliffe G3UGM
Hon. Sec


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