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The Inc.Radio Society of Great Britain
53, Victoria Street, London S.W.1

September 1939

Dear Sir (or Madam).

The R.S.G.B. in War Time.

I am directed by the Council to inform you that after the most careful consideration of all circumstances, they have unanimously resolved that the work of the Society shall continue for as long as possible. In making this decision the Council expressed the view that it is essential for the future of Amateur Radio in Great Britain, that a strong and virile organisation must remain in being.

The need for Representation will eventually arise when matters concerning experimental licenses come up for discussion. The Society cannot allow itself to become an organisation in name only - it must continue to be, in truth, the National Society, representing the Radio Amateurs of Great Britain.

The T & R Bulletin.

It is the Council's intention to continue the monthly publication of the Society's Journal in a reduced form. Each issue will contain technical articles and topical information. Later it is hoped to include news from members serving in H.M. Forces which will enable them to keep in touch with one another.

The decision to continue publication of The T & R Bulletin was made after advice had been received that several prominent advertisers had promised their continued support. The Council believes that this demonstration of goodwill on the part of the Radio trade will be welcomed by every member.

The September issue will, it is hoped, be published towards the end of the current month

QSL Service.

Cards for Home members will continue to be distributed at reasonably frequent intervals, providing stamped addressed envelopes are in file. Cards for Oversees amateurs will be forwarded as circumstances permit. ASs from October 1st 1939 the R.S.G.B. QSL Bureau will be operated by Mr. A.O.Milne, 29 Kechill Gardens, Hayes, Bromley, Kent, to which address all cards should be sent

Experimental Section.

Although the activities of the Section must necessarily be curtailed the Council anticipates that arrangements will be made for certain of the groups to function. Further information in this connection will be published in the October issue of the T & R Bulletin.

District Meetings will, it is anticipated, cease, but it is hoped that District Representatives will continue to keep in touch both with headquarters, and their local Groups.


The registered address of the society will continue to be 53 Victoria Street, Longon, S.W.1, but the business of the Society will be carried on from 16 Ashridge Gardens, London, N.13 the private address of the Secretary-Editor (Telephone, Palmers Green 3255).

All correspondence should, as hitherto, be sent to 53 Victoria Street, but members should not call at this address.

With reduced Headquarters staff it is essential that correspondence be reduced to an absolute minimum.


The council has decided that as from September 1, 1939, the Home Corporate Membership shall be 15/- per annum, except in the case of members serving with H.M. Forces who will pay a subscription of 10/- per annum. Overseas and Associate subscriptions will remain unaltered.

The council asks that all members shall forward subscriptions as promptly as possible, when they become due, in order to avoid additional clerical work falling upon the reduced Headquarters staff. Members will appreciate that the payment of their subscriptions is essential to enable us to carry on.

Applications from new members will be accepted at the new war time subscription rates.


It is with much regret that the Council has to inform the Membership that all arrangements for the 1939 Convention have been cancelled. They wish to record their thanks to all who replied to the Circular, and particularly to those who had promised loan apparatus.

Change of Address.

It is essential that changes of address shall be communicated to Headquarters as promptly as possible, in order to prevent delays occuring in the delivery of The T & R Bulletin, and other Notices.

Sales Department.

The council has approved the sending of the attached Circular, concerning Sales Department matters, to all members.

Yours faithfully,




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